abdominal circumference (measured around the waist at the level of the right ASIS) 33.5

sit-ups: 33 (my goal was 30+)
push-ups: exempt (bum shoulder, which surprisingly is aggravated by sit-ups

run 1.5 mile: 15:25 (was shooting for 15 or less, but was happy as long as it was under 15:30)
My score was 78.7 (I think) But, it was 78-something. We need a 75 to pass, so I did just 'okay'. My goal is an 85 next time!
I am not sure exactly WHAT I need to get an 85, but right now I am saying these are my goals:
decrease run by 1-2 minutes
do 43 sit-ups
decrease AC by 1 inch.
If that isn't enough to get 85 I will adjust :)
I plan to use Friday afternoons to practice the running. I am going to do 12 laps (1.5 mile) on the indoor track alternating running as fast as I can and active rest with jogging (walking if I have to) until I can run the whole thing at a faster pace.
I am also going to increase my weight lifting for legs. I think that will help too. I need to make sure I stretch enough. mY inner thighs are extremely tight and I think that is adding to my knee problems.
I have been good about getting in bed by 11 :D
I have been okay with tracking my treats, I think I forgot something yesterday.
I am not sure where I am with my fitness goals for the week.
I think I need to keep track
Oh, I was 159 this morning, so back down a bit from where it got to after this past weekend. No more adult beverages for me until this month is up. I really want to decrease my body fat, so I have to get serious!!!!
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