I have been working at this fat loss thing for a while and recently had a bit of setback. My darn thyroid decided to not function as well as I need it to. I always feel like I am making excuses when I say it was my thyroid. How often do we hear people say that? I'm fat because I have a thyroid problem? Yeah, frequently. I WAS fat because of it. I discovered how to work with my body and I lost the weight. So, when I went from 34.5/35 inch waist in December back to a 37.5-38 inch waist in March, I knew something was wrong. I spoke to my doctor and he ordered some labs and indeed my thyroid was not functioning as well as it should. My vitamin D was also extremely low.
I did some research and discovered that vitamin D is closely related to thyroid function, it also can lead to weight gain when your D is low. At my doctors suggestion I started an aggressive vitamin D supplementation. We also decided that I should increase my Armour thyroid medication. This has helped me lose a little bit of weight, which is great. Now, I need to get focused...since I can with the brain fog and exhaustion cleared up. I think there is possibly some stress induced waist gain in there too, hopefully the things i have started to help me relax will be beneficial too.
It stinks though, I was able to get down from 37.5/38 inches to 36 in about five weeks. I took my fitness test on Aril 24 and failed since the max waist circumference is 35.5 inches. Yup,I failed by half an inch. I need to re-test in the end of June or beginning of July. If I fail again it will be bad news. So, I am getting back to really tracking what I eat and doing the workouts that have worked in the past. I also think that getting on here and being accountable for my actions will help.
Anyone else up for a 30 Day Challenge???? I can't promise "before" pics. I will take them, I'm just not sure I can post them.
Week One Goals:
Track food 3 days- eat what I want as long as it is paleo/primal
2 days HIIT (tabata)
3 days LISS (walk dog?)
2 days strength
take measurements
get body fat measured (hand held device)
"before" pics
End of Challenge goals:
35.5> waist
maintain lean mass
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