Tonight we had Scouts for two of the groklings and since Savage_Dave is still pretty much out of commission for household chores, it fell on me to get dinner ready between milk making for KJ, homework, Scouts (Cub Scouts and Daisy Scouts), work and just plain breathing....well, I needed something fast. Around ten after 8, after getting home and feeding the baby, I started dinner. Chopped garlic, melted butter and a dash of chili powder. Browned the garlic and tossed in some bay scallops. Then I steamed some broccoli and voila, dinner is served. The only thing that would have made it better was if I had a bit of lemon to squeeze on it. It was a hit with the kids too. Can't beat that! From nothing to delicious in less than 20 minutes.
Sorry about the almost empty bowel! I thought about the picture after I started chowing down!
In other news, tomorrow is my first REAL session with the trainer. Eek! I am a little nervous, it will end up being a 'twice a day' because I have Squadron P.T. in the morning and the trainer at night. I'll take it easy in the morning and do some low intensity stuff. On the other hand I am so excited! I really want to see and feel good results from this. I want to get strong and lean. I know I can do it, but a little guidance doesn't hurt.
I have to do my short and long term goals and sign a 'goal contract' that really makes it real. I have been working on my long term goals and then will figure out the short term from there. The contract requires three of each. One is a no brainer, "Pass my fitness test." The others are a little more difficult. I think I might put a weight goal, even though I don't really LIKE weight goals. The thing is I have wanted to be under 150 for a long, long time. So that is my other goal, "Get below 150 pounds", now I just need one more. I think "Be a M.I.L.F." would be good, but I suppose it isn't measurable and Savage_Dave might get upset if I started taking a survey ;-) So, I asked the super spouse and he had a good suggestion (I'll give him his props now and then) "Be able to do a pull-up". I like it! Interestingly, it has been something I have wanted to do since I was in college, so many years ago. I spent two semesters working on it and never succeeded. This might just be my chance.
Long Term Goals
1) Weigh less than 150 pounds
2) Be a MILF, oh wait, -Do a pull-up
3) Pass the Fitness Test (getting a 90 is next)
Of course the long term goals drive the short term goals, so what do I need to do to be successful? Hard work damnit! Okay, that is a given, what are my specific short term goals that will help me achieve the long term? Eating right will have to be one of them, weight loss and body composition is really controlled by proper nutrition. Short term goal one is to eat clean 'primal/paleo, Perfect Health-ish at least 90% of the time. Then there is strength, I need to build strength. So, work out according to the plan agreed upon with the trainer and myself. And one more that maybe seems like it doesn't have anything to do with my overall goals, but it is important to me. And I think important to Savage_Dave and the kids too. To turn of all the electronics, TV, computer, etc. when dinner starts and not turn them back on until the kids are asleep in their beds. I was going to say until the next day, but then I would never get a chance to update here, so that doesn't work, now does it.
Crap! It is almost midnight!!! Where did the time go? More tomorrow...or soon anyway!
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