
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Small Successes

Rightnow our life is pretty stressful, of course just living 800 miles from my husband and kids is pretty rough to start with but my husband also has some medical stuff and one of our children is going through a rough patch. So, life is stressful.

Yesterday, I wanted to fall face first into a plate of noodles. I didn't. I had some parmesan chicken thighs, veggies, and some couscous. If course, couscous isn't quite on plan but it was way better than a steaming plate of pad thai. I had stopped on the way home from work and decided to get sushi. Which I did, but I didn't eat it last night because my roommate had made the chicken.

I saved it for lunch and had it to break my fast along with some chick fajita, sour cream, and jalapenos.

My weight held steady from yesterday, so I was pleased with that. We'll see how the next few days go.


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