
Friday, February 7, 2020

Guess Who Forgot?

Yup, this girl. I totally forgot I was planning to blog again. Life has been pretty intense since the last post. One of the kids was having some health issues. Work was super stressful. And on Tuesday our dog, Rori, died. So, blogging was definitely the last thing on my mind.

I have been staying pretty steady on the scale, but I am pretty sure I'm down some inches. I will update on Sunday. I did a quick measure today and my waist is about half an inches smaller. I was going to treat myself to lunch out today, but now that I have decided to measure again on Sunday, the lunch will have to wait 😜Sunday will be two weeks since I last measured, so hoping for some good results.

I really believe that we need to find things besides the scale to motivate us, and to help us stay on track. If I was just using the scale, I weigh the same as last week, so it might be easy to think "fuck it, I'll just eat whatever since it's not working anyway."  Well, that wouldn't be the best option, would it? Especially since i have a fitness test coming up! So, I looked smaller in the mirror and measured. Wow! Already down about an inch? It would be stupid to sabotage myself with a cheat meal at this point! I can wait two more weeks to eat something off plan. But, there is a part of me that is really screaming, "Don't do it!" Why? Because I could see some real change if I don't let the fitness test derail me like it so often does.

Usually, I give up for about 2 months, and then I get serious again as the next test approaches. What if this time, I eat my celebratory meal, and then the next day I get right back to it? By the next test in June, I won't even have to worry. I'll already be well under my max. Wow, that a novel idea 🙄

I tend to lose about a pound a week when I stick to pretty decent eating. It would be about 17 weeks between my tests, I could be below my goal weight and in a healthy BMI if I stick to it. Yeah, deep thoughts for a Friday day off. Let's do it!

P.S. Now that I said it, I expect you to hold me accountable.

This is an older picture of our girl, but she was always such a mom to the other animals. She loved the bunnies. Here she was watching over them as they had some free time to roam.


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