So, the boyos didn't make it to 30 days grain free. We shall keep working at it though. I have a new goal though. Since I can't lift heavy enough right now to really work on my legs, I have decided, "why not work on the shoulders and back?" So that is what I am going to do. This weekend I will have hubby take some new back shots and some shoulder/arm shots too. I am really motivated by "before/after" pictures right now, so I am hoping if I start now, when the baby gets here I will have made some decent progress. The side benefit? It should help make it easier to get back to doing push-ups for my fitness test. Win-win situation right? Right!
I have back shots from Oct 2010 and Jan 2011, so I already have some before pics :D
Hopefully this will help me stay motivated! I have only about 13 weeks until baby time, so I need to get with it!!!!
October 18, 2011
26 weeks pregnant :D